s t p l

@ 2:31 PM
life ...
....and surprises :D

what would you do to someone if you found out that they were cheating on a certain game or so? I know what you are thinking, you probably want to get back at them, because you were playing fair and square without having to cheat on your own. You were being honest and fair, loyal and just to the work of your own, and not submit to the temptation that others make you see in their works. "easy access" you call it.

"cheating" or "doing something easier", is actually making your life harder rather than easier. DON'T CHEAT. no matter what it may be. don't do it! or else your world will come out like hell. Would you exchange a good reputation for something as silly as a "double boyfriend"? or, would you sacrifice those poor Innocent kids that look up to you, and set a bad example for them to see in you, and you also disappoint them?

The answer to both of those questions is a big, fat NO. Seriously, a reputation takes years to accomplish, and people who look up to you is harder to find compared to a "needle in the haystack". Imagine, for your own selfless needs, you give aways two good things (out of a million other possible ones) just to CHEAT. Listen to what I say in this short, but meaningful note, that CHEATING comes in different sizes, shapes, locations and types, You might not know that you are cheating at this very moment, until you read this thing.

I don't really need to tell you about what you are doing this very moment. It's just that, people KNOW that what they're doing is wrong but they still do it anyways, which makes it even more wrong than it ever was; a sin is not a sin without the full consent of the mind, and the desire to do it, meaning that if you "accidentally" killed someone (e.g. a car accident) it's not really a "sin" as far as God sees it. So be careful with the things that you do to yourself and to other people.
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Friday, July 24 @ 10:12 AM
siiickest thing eva!


siiiick, cool and smooth. all clean, all the time.
found this video of my friends on youtube, and i just thought;
"hey! that thing looks soo cool, imma put it up on my blog!"
so here it is, in this very post.
watch, enjoy and crave for more!!
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Thursday, July 23 @ 5:00 PM
following.....or not
you know it's bad, but you still do it


Saving the trouble of them finding you (because you always stare outside their house)

Telling them your secrets (you know you want them ot know you more)

Allowing them to stalk you back (because you like it)

Lolling at everything they say (you think it's funny, even though it's not)

Kontrol over what to do; go to their house or don't (you know you want to)

IM'ing them every time (also referred to as cyber stalking)

Naming all their favorites because you searched them on google (or other sites)


Going all out to take over their social lives and obssessing where they are at the moment.
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@ 12:29 PM

NOT your regular Friday (sort of)

Fridays are always referred to as "bad luck" mainly because that's the day the chicken get "fried" and, it's usually a bad luck day, known as Friday the 13th. Why do people think that Friday the 13th IS a bad day? it's just a regular day, just like Tuesday, Wednesday, and Yesterday. True bad luck is never real, bad luck comes with an explanation, for example ; if you think that your day will come out bad (and it did come out bad) because of how it started, then there is a reason for that too, you were negative about your whole day because you will have bad luck (anyways) because of how it started. Proving, that the negativity in yourself is what made you have a bad day.

This picture (^) sure knows how to say what "bad luck" REALLY means.

Anyways.... Not ALL kinds of Fridays have descriptions, and labels about them, it's only Friday the 13th that has a label (no not the movie Friday the 13th). Friday's, for school children are fun days, where they can sleep in, without that annoying sound of the alarm clock (yes, the beeeeep-ing) and eat a lot and hang out with frinds and chill. As you probably keep reading this, you may think; "this girl is crazy! why would anyone write this thing here in hteir blog?". I'll answer you with two words, and those words only ; IM BORED.

A very good example of a non-scary Friday will be this next one. Well, there's nothing exciting about THAT Friday, it's the next day that follows it that's really interesting, Saturday.

Who am I kidding? NOTHING beats Saturdays (during school of course). Summer's a different story, everyday's a boring old Saturday.

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Monday, July 20 @ 4:29 PM
camping, strong word for someone who doesnt know it personally. Camping - defined as a trip to a nature, designed originally to relax and chill. That's my definition of camping. You get to experience nature at it's best, before i thought camping was a thing to get grades, and get "girl scout of the year" award, but all of that was in elementary, now i wanna go camping fo'real, and experience it, as everyone seems to be enjoying it: a jubilant gathering to accept nature (and NOT bathe) .LOL. the no "bathe" thing was real. trips to the washroom takes about a 5 minute walk to and from the location. it was well worth it, rather than going to that porto potty on the side. (eww). all is fair in cops and robbers ;). ghost stories, criminal ones vary, and true freal stories about ghosts and hauntings, to the chills. i love it when you look for the man that you want to get infected, its called the hunt, the MAN hunt, going after one another, not knowing who's who. going after the one that you see, moved from the hiding place and gave a chase, to get infected. giving it a second thought, camping woudnt be complete without bathing, correction, bathing in the beach. swimming, fun, furious, awesome in everyway, except; you not knowing how to. having fun with friends, cooking, helping with anything that you want to help with, (and not want to) all for the benefit of your camp, and of others, makes you feel really light, and good.CAMPING generally speaking is equal to one word : FUN. no actually , a LOT of words; fun, friends, beach, swimming, tents, food, life, nature, games, stories, sleeping bags, camp food, picniks, hikes, no bathing, you name it.
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Friday, July 17 @ 10:04 AM
Imagine - images in your mind

imagine a world
where wind blows so soft
and laughter and joy
are heard frequent and oft

imagine a world
where the work is like play
and the sun smiles warmly
an you everyday

with your best friends around you
your'e never alone
and each day after school
you all talk to the phone

where you know if you're sad
there are places to go
a soft shoulder to cry on
as you let your pain go

now imagine the world
an a bright summer's day
as you stand there and watch it
all get torn away

after three months of mourning
you're in a new school
where you're youngest and dumbest
you feel like a fool

there used to be good days
and bad days were rare
but now that;s reversed
and you're too cold to care

for the warmth that you loved
has blown off on the breeze
now your shivering and cold
always ill at ease

your heart's in your throat
and the fear's in your mind
but where to go now
when the world's so unkind?

you flee from the lunchroom
and dash for the stairs
knowing no one will miss you
because nobody cares

and as tears streak your face
at noon everyday
you wonder if ever
you won't feel this way

imagine a world
of deception and fear
of lies, drinks and drugs
that don't belong here

and imagine my friend,
just what would you do?
if this new scary life
thrust itself upon you?

and that is why
sometimes i won't talk
why i flee class so anxious
and go for a walk

i need you right now
so please stay with me, friend
through this nightmare of change
until we reach the end

~Ashley Yang
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Thursday, July 16 @ 4:09 PM
bike riding
can it be any more scarier than it is?

i think it can... "i like biking, but biking doesn't agree with me"

that's a very good quote ot associate me with biking.

in truth, i learned to bike ride by myslef, it wasn't easy.

I got about a dozen small cuts and two bruises that day...

(flash back starts here)

trying to ride the bike, fell off, (did this about 3 times)

tried to pedal while trying to keep balance (fell off...again)

i got the bike going for the very first time!

...success....the most beautiful word at that time...

(flash back ends here)

as you saw in my flashback, it was a total disaster :D
and here is something that REALLY did happen the last time i went biking:

and THIS ^ is what happened the last time i went biking...

THAT ^ is one of the many reasons why i like/not sure about biking
don't believe me? just try picturing me after the muddy accident

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@ 9:10 AM
people always tell me...

"it's just high school!"

"it's just high school!"

social climbers
"it's just high school!"

"it's just high school!"

"it's just high school!"

"it's just high school!"

i just cant wait to grow up...

~Allison Kueffner, 16
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Wednesday, July 15 @ 3:59 PM
over the rainbows
over the rainbows you may think its blue, well it is in a sense.
well that was mine ;)
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@ 3:03 PM
camping anyone?

the normal way to relax and kick it in with friends.
you dont think so? try it and have fun
as summers been going we are all about it FUN that is
water sliding, coaster riding, scream busting,
camp fire singing, boating, singing, guitar singing
roller blading, swimsuit shopping, lotion application,
tanning, breathing the fresh air FUN .
doesnt FUN sound so awesome right now?
yeah, it better be. soaking up the sun is the idea fun,
naw, theres a lot of things that you can do,
and still have me some FUN. awesome...

so what do you think about this year's summer?
a bummer? have no fear! the FUN, is coming ot place near you.

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Tuesday, July 14 @ 12:19 PM
have you ever had your own traditions that you made up by yourselves? well everyone has traditions, whether its food (my preference) or other things. traditions make up our society now. my own personal favorite tradition that me and my cousins came up with ourselves is: having a movie or watching t.v. by just ourselves, before going to bed at night (we can only do this in the summer though). its really worth keeping traditions, like for example: traditions in the philippines like when girls get their first periods, they have this some kind of tradition to either: make the girls flow last shorter, or other stuff taht may relate to the goodness of the girls flow related issues or just plain herself. (other examples are rubbing a rose petal on the girl's face when getting her flow, means that she will have soft skin when she grows up). traditions are an interesting bunch, and like all other traditions there's always a 'source'.
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Sunday, July 12 @ 10:04 AM
a day in church

today i went to this other church somewhere in Milton which is probably like what i have learned at GCNC (gateway centre for new canadians) . Like ALL christian churches, they had a Sunday worship band (awesome). It was pretty the same at gateway, only, im not the one on the guitar/bass :P.


(too bad that they made another one)

piece of advice:

when the going gets tough, the though get going!
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Wednesday, July 8 @ 2:52 PM
SUMMER PLANS (thats right i have a life)
July 10,2009 Friday
I rock with the one fund raiser

July 11,2009 Saturday
Band Practice

July 12,2009 Sunday
10:30-12:00 AM

July 18,2009 Saturday
Band Practice
10:00-11:30 AM

July 18,2009 Saturday
Friends b-day party

July 24,2009 Saturday
Band Practice
10:00-11:30 AM

July 25,2009 Saturday
(walmart, park, friends houses)
2:45-whenever we feel like going home PM

July 26,2009 Sunday
10:30-12:00 AM

I'll add more if i feel like it :P
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@ 10:37 AM
hacking and hackers

this is for all the hackers that want to hack someones account:
do you know what you are doing to those people out there?
i thought so, you have no idea what effect that has on the person that you hacked.so here are some of my thoughts on the matter:
people have their own personal stuff in their e-mails...and if you seriously want one then get one, i mean it's FREE for Pete's sake. Don't go through all that trouble just to get one single e-mail form someone that you are stalking.
Just give up, please. You are causing a lot of people a lot of trouble just because you want to hack into their accounts, I'm not saying this for hacker to hack other accounts but:

Most people that have a account in one email will usually have other accounts in there too.
Like for example, an email like "hotmail.com" will probably contain some information
about their facebook account or some other site, like twitter.

In just saying that just by hacking one e-mail you can cause a great amount of hacking.
And that is bad for you and for your conscience.
Especially if you decide to change the passwords of the accounts that you hacked,
it's possible that the REAL owners cant access their own accounts,
because you forgot the original passwords for the e-mail
and/or account that you have just hacked.

so do everyone a favor and DON'T try hacking.
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Tuesday, July 7 @ 6:29 PM
this post requires not hte most attention needed ever..so dont woory about it ;)

so anywhoays, this site called crunchyroll.com is my fave site ot watch anime,

do you like anime? yeah? so then ho on to this site and [dont forget ot add me]

my useranme is unLABELLED [as you may have guessed]

feel free to join the community :D

crunchyroll.com is an anime social site that features different types of anime, [ dont worry they have copyrights] so you can watch there legally..thats right...its LEGAL
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Friday, July 3 @ 10:25 AM

My Magic Mirror

There is a mirror in my house,

Its on the bathroom wall.

Although I've met some other ones,

It's the friendliest of all.

It doesn't matter when i look,
It can happen anytime.
A beautiful reflection it will show,
And then I'll see it's mine.

So how does it make me look so good,
At any time of day?
And why can't all the guys at school,
See me in my mirrors way?

If they could only see that girl,
Who greats me with a smile,
Then maybe I'd have a date, or two--
Hasn't happened in a while.

But do i want to date a guy,
Who'll judge by what he sees?
Or do i want to date a guy
who will love and appreciate me?

He'll love me for my intelligence,
My humor and my taste.
He'll love me for my selflessness,
Which i haven't put to waste.

He'll love me for the things i do,
And how i get them done.
He'll love me with each breath i take,
And with each ray of the sun.

So then when will he find me,
And in my mirror see?
When will he some to fill the void,
That aches inside of me?

When will he show up on my front door,
When I'm about to give up hope?
Or will he come when I'm at peace within,
With the strength inside to help me cope?

Because I'm not just what's on the outside,
I am me down to my core.
And as i learn to love myself,
There will be a guy who loves me more.

-Melinda Allen

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Thursday, July 2 @ 4:02 PM
heyy its neww
yeah so, i just made this blog right about..NOW
yep i know what your thinking...its new right? but how come it looks so awesome?
i wont lie but yeah it is pretty awesome..
don't you think so?
OK so the past few days this is what happened to me:
got twitter :D (PST add me)

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Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.
--Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) Danish philosopher and writer.