HIIYA!! shelly in ur belly, yes i'm that butterfly feeling that you get in your stomach. i get my bday gifts, on 11.12.1994. i had my parents ever since i was 0yrs old. I go to this school called GLENFOREST and we have a pool. fave sports and hobbies are ; dancing, badminton, bball(even if i'm not all that, at it) drawing, reading, listening to music, and the internet.
if you said no to that question then make it worth watching by making it worth everyone's while to actually take a look at how awesome you really are and how you make everyone get that "butterfly" feeling in their stomachs. LIFE IS EITHER DARING OR NOTHING AT ALL, dare to do things that you would normally wouldn't do, it makes life more... interesting. ;)
Friday, July 3 @ 10:25 AM
My Magic Mirror
There is a mirror in my house,
Its on the bathroom wall.
Although I've met some other ones,
It's the friendliest of all.
It doesn't matter when i look,
It can happen anytime.
A beautiful reflection it will show,
And then I'll see it's mine.
So how does it make me look so good,
At any time of day?
And why can't all the guys at school,
See me in my mirrors way?
If they could only see that girl,
Who greats me with a smile,
Then maybe I'd have a date, or two--
Hasn't happened in a while.
But do i want to date a guy,
Who'll judge by what he sees?
Or do i want to date a guy
who will love and appreciate me?
He'll love me for my intelligence,
My humor and my taste.
He'll love me for my selflessness,
Which i haven't put to waste.
He'll love me for the things i do,
And how i get them done.
He'll love me with each breath i take,
And with each ray of the sun.
So then when will he find me,
And in my mirror see?
When will he some to fill the void,
That aches inside of me?
When will he show up on my front door,
When I'm about to give up hope?
Or will he come when I'm at peace within,
With the strength inside to help me cope?
Because I'm not just what's on the outside,
I am me down to my core.
And as i learn to love myself,
There will be a guy who loves me more.
-Melinda Allen
Labels: love, magic, mirror, reflection
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