shelly in ur belly, yes i'm that butterfly feeling that you get in your stomach. i get my bday gifts, on
11.12.1994. i had my parents ever since i was 0yrs old. I go to this school called
GLENFOREST and we have a
fave sports and hobbies are ;
dancing, badminton, bball(even if i'm not all that, at it) drawing, reading, listening to music, and the internet.
b&w is the way to go. I've got a feeling that one of these days, we're all going to die, and watch our lives flash before our eyes....
is that worth watching?
if you said no to that question then
make it worth watching by making it worth everyone's while to actually take a look at how awesome you really are and how you make everyone get that "butterfly" feeling in their stomachs.
LIFE IS EITHER DARING OR NOTHING AT ALL, dare to do things that you would normally wouldn't do, it makes life more...
interesting. ;)
talent show pt.2
gueeeeessss what? that's right...I and this girl made the talent show, and we tried out for a second time on Friday, November 20th 2009. I HOPE WE MAKE IT... anywaysss, shout out to JOSH for his .....ummm birthday :D. having no life, not counting this one that I has. i will now attempt to post inspirational quotes for today . starting with;
Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself.--chinese proverb.....
Love is a serious mental disease.--Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.....
Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.--Chinese Proverb...
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.--Confucius (BC 551-BC 479) Chinese philosopher....
In teaching others we teach ourselves. -proverb
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.-Mahatman Gandhi (1869-1948) Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism.
soo....wasn't that inspiring???? I thought it was..interesting stuff, visit DARWINAWARDS.COM for tonneeessss of laughter at people dying. :D
-sailing on the coast shellship
TITA Dahlia's place
with leira, who apparently thinks taht i suck, then puts a "LOL JOKES <3" beside the thing. thanks leira, thanks a lot. Were watching Penelope, awesome movie, watch it. SOO CUTE. <3. and then yeah, finished my crappy home work/presentation for tomorrow, all i got to do is print it. :) its about the reggae music in general. and yeah, im all out of talk...cyaaa im going home now.... :)
today after school, was a friggin DENTIST appointment that cost me precious time for socializing...kidding. but, seriously i have about 10 cavities, that just means i LOVE chocolate too much ot give it up that I eat it practically everyday. sooooo i have to come back there about 10 more times to get my teeth fixed and make it PROPERLY adjusted (nooo i meant fixed). (N)
TOMORROW ; try-outs for talent show @ 3.45 after school, with ma girl DZ